THE GROUP 30 June 2020
On demand Less than 3 months 3 to 6 months 6 to 12 months Sub total less than 12 months 1 to 5 years Over 5 years Sub total over 12 months Total
Assets MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000
Cash and cash equivalents 29,665,433 39,371,542 69,036,975 - 69,036,975
Due from banks - 3,023,747 4,587,624 3,521,367 11,132,738 - - - 11,132,738
Derivative financial instruments 95,556 30,404 1,553 127,513 96,868 97,580 194,448 321,961
Loans and advances to banks - 325,684 1,198,553 999,960 2,524,197 2,721,730 - 2,721,730 5,245,927
Loans and advances to customers 132,554 7,458,705 696,077 1,129,580 9,416,916 7,780,347 5,846,659 13,627,006 23,043,922
Investment securities 2 19,635,361 9,787,744 5,436,338 34,859,445 11,468,382 2,368,738 13,837,120 48,696,565
Other assets (excluding prepayments, accrued income, inventory and taxes)
2,210,873 920 80 5,047 2,216,920 - - - 2,216,920
Total 32,008,862 69,911,515 16,300,482 11,093,845 129,314,704 22,067,327 8,312,977 30,380,304 159,695,008
Due to banks 6,875 - - 6,377 13,252 - - - 13,252
Derivative financial instruments - 8,911 205 349 9,465 97,703 - 97,703 107,168
Deposits from banks:
-Current account 15,754 - - - 15,754 - - - 15,754
-Savings account 80,611 - - - 80,611 - - - 80,611
96,365 - - - 96,365 - - - 96,365
Deposits from customers:
-Current account 107,482,370 - (1,083) - 107,481,287 - - - 107,481,287
-Savings account 5,959,053 - - - 5,959,053 - - - 5,959,053
-Term deposits - 17,389,662 5,608,385 6,898,489 29,896,536 7,355,286 133,944 7,489,230 37,385,766
113,441,423 17,389,662 5,607,302 6,898,489 143,336,876 7,355,286 133,944 7,489,230 150,826,106
Debts issued - - 1,083 - 1,083 - - - 1,083
Lease liabilities - 8,203 8,342 17,525 34,070 48,501 - 48,501 82,571
Other liabilities - - - 484,907 484,907 - - - 484,907
Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss 2 - - 4,396 4,398 - - - 4,398
Total 113,544,665 17,406,776 5,616,932 7,412,043 143,980,416 7,501,490 133,944 7,635,434 151,615,850
Net liquidity gap (81,535,803) 52,504,739 10,683,550 3,681,802 (14,665,712) 14,565,837 8,179,033 22,744,870 8,079,158