THE GROUP 30 June 2018
On demand Less than 3 months 3 to 6 months 6 to 12 months Sub total less than 12 months 1 to 5 years Over 5 years Sub total over 12 months Total
Assets MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000 MUR'000
Cash and cash equivalents 19,802,452 30,302,624 - - 50,105,076 - - - 50,105,076
Due from banks - - 3,547,691 1,617,051 5,164,742 - - - 5,164,742
Financial assets mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss
694,407 810,723 918,959 965,994 3,390,083 465,867 - 465,867 3,855,950
Loans and advances to banks - 401,032 344,322 1,109,135 1,854,489 3,914,740 - 3,914,740 5,769,229
Loans and advances to customers 1,781,297 4,640,499 929,077 1,223,005 8,573,878 8,774,469 4,948,907 13,723,376 22,297,254
Debt instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
- 124,143 292,998 149,970 567,111 3,505,621 1,768 3,507,389 4,074,500
Debt instruments measured at amortised cost - 9,545,521 4,093,423 2,096,928 15,735,872 10,743,113 881,192 11,624,305 27,360,177
Other assets (excluding prepayments, accrued income, inventory and taxes)
1,459,981 - - 128,006 1,587,987 - - - 1,587,987
Total 23,738,137 45,824,542 10,126,470 7,290,089 86,979,238 27,403,810 5,831,867 33,235,677 120,214,915
Due to banks 113 860,210 - - 860,323 72,432 - 72,432 932,755
Derivative financial instruments - 73,768 7,604 16,626 97,998 654,946 - 654,946 752,944
Deposits from banks:
-Current account 33,341 - - - 33,341 - - - 33,341
33,341 - - - 33,341 - - - 33,341
Deposits from customers:
-Current account 83,955,793 - - - 83,955,793 - - - 83,955,793
-Savings account 4,503,032 - - - 4,503,032 - - - 4,503,032
-Term deposits - 8,527,516 3,128,013 5,529,116 17,184,645 5,345,753 113,536 5,459,289 22,643,934
88,458,825 8,527,516 3,128,013 5,529,116 105,643,470 5,345,753 113,536 5,459,289 111,102,759
Debts issued 255,094 167 - 404,591 659,852 195,450 - 195,450 855,302
Other liabilities - - - 434,769 434,769 - - - 434,769
Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss 694,407 - 24,888 123,482 842,777 54,877 - 54,877 897,654
Total 89,441,780 9,461,661 3,160,505 6,508,584 108,572,530 6,323,458 113,536 6,436,994 115,009,524
Net liquidity gap (65,703,643) 36,362,881 6,965,965 781,505 (21,593,292) 21,080,352 5,718,331 26,798,683 5,205,391